Little man is two today! Of course that went by so fast for me. And I am obsessed with him and his every hilarious thing he does. His first word was Dada but his second was Snack. He is happiest when he is eating chips right out of the bag. He is completely fearless and loves to jump or throw himself off the couch completely dead weight and sometimes head first. He definitely has added to the stress in my life, but worth it. He loves what he loves and hates what he hate and doesn’t care about anyone else’s opinion. He doesn’t not care to please others, but he will do WHATEVER sissy is doing and exactly how she is doing it.
He loves a good mess. Whether it is toothpaste in my sink or applesauce on the couch, if it gets messy he is game! I think his favorite time was when he got nail polish all over the bathroom floor and mommies new (expensive) running shoes. His favorite game is chasing the dogs all over the house with the play baby stroller, and extra points if he actually hits them.
He keeps up laughing (and crying). Happy Birthday little dude!