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Turning 30


I remember when one of my dearest friends was about to turn 30. I asked her how she felt about it (because I know how she reacted when she turned 25, and she was kind of not happy about it), and she had a great perspective. She was ready to say “goodbye” to her 20’s. That never occurred to me that you could be excited about getting older.

I always thought that being in my 20’s would be the best decade of my life. That’s what everyone seems to want to be right? 22, 25… Those are desirable ages. They are fun, free. You look your best and have no worries or responsibilities. I kind of believed this when I was those ages, and now that I am going to be the big 3-0 tomorrow, I know that I won’t miss my 20’s and I am really looking forward to my 30’s! My 20’s were very hard. There are so many transitions: College and living on my own, dating is hard, trying to figuring out my career, getting married, having babies… All those are really hard and all done in a span of 10 years! They were all good things thankfully, and I had amazing support along the way.

Looking back, I am so thankful for the support I have had in those early year. InterVaristy was huge for my spiritual walk. I’m not sure what I would have become without them! That ministry didn’t just shape my spiritual life and love for the Lord, it built my skills, showed me my talents and heart for ministry. I got to work for them for 5 years after college! Ryan and I got married as soon as I graduated. Those first year were harder than I would have ever imagined. God blessed us with a vibrate and solid small group (thank you Scott and Karen!!!!) that taught us what scripture has to say about marriage, and just life in general. That small group helped Ryan and I grow up and mature to become leaders ourselves!

I met my best friends and learned about friendship in my 20’s, and I mostly learned the hard way. I brought up two babies and felt the reality of sleep deprivation! That stuff is no joke, and if it were not for Verna and I wouldn’t have wanted another child after Gracie! I started and grew a business in my 20’s, the hard way haha. As usual. And I look forward to taking all these experiences and use them in my 30’s!

I hope that in my 30’s I will go a little slower. I might be busy, but I can be busy and go slow at the same time. I have a lot more confidence and understanding toward myself and others, and I have a lot less fear. I’m in such a better place turning 30 than I did turning 20. I just can’t imagine what it will be like turning 40!!!!

Buh bye 20’s!

Here are some fun memories. Some are out of order, but fun to look back on.

The pic above was taken in 2015. I had JUST found out I was pregnant with Eli. Karyn Johnson Photography took this pic! I had just turned 28.

Great friends! One of the best of the best. Started hanging out 2009! I was 22. This was in Mexico 2015. I was 24ish weeks pregnant.


More awesome people. No pic of us, just them on a cruise we did together in 2014. Started hanging out with them (well, Mo first) in 2010ish. I was 23/24.


May 24, 2009. I was 22


Gracie. Born October 22, 2012. I was 25


First house. Bought when I was 23


Second home. Bought when I was 28.


Started a business when I was 24. Katelyn James Photography took this pic!


Second baby Eli. Born December 8, 2015. I was 28.

2015-07-06_0001Baby eating


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Hi I'm Dani, A wedding and newborn photographer for Hampton Roads area and Virginia. I'm a southern gal, home DIYer, dog lover, busy mom of 2 and a Magnolia Market Junkie. Take some time, sip some coffee and enjoy the lastest weddings and session here!


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Phone: 757-572-6813