The Bridesmaids
The Bridesmaids
You got the ring and now you need the gals!!! I never get to show off the bridesmaids and they are one of the best parts of a wedding day! So I have devoted this entire post to those amazing girls who do it all just for the bride!
This is a long post with a lot of pictures, but in reality most of these shots where taken very quickly. The bridesmaids job (in photos) are to be as involved as possible in the getting ready and the partying. They are to make sure the bride looks her best always and that everything is in place. I have loved watching them watch the bride and be truly joyful for her.
A Bridesmaids Job
Of course the whole thing has to start with a robe shot and a toast! Each girl gets to tell the bride how much they love her. I love to give a moment for this so time can slow down a bit! You will even see a few tears as your scroll during this process! When it's time for the dress to go on the bridesmaids are already completely ready themselves. With me as the photographer, each bridesmaid gets to play a roll in getting the bride ready! They are the ones fetching the earring and getting on the ground to help with shoes!
Next we do bridesmaids portraits, and this is when the creativity comes in. Each girl will get in a picture with the bride. One that is formal, and one that "represents their relationship" with the bride. In the end the bride will cherish this "real side" of her time with each girl. They also many the moment genuine even if a bridesmaids can't think of anything to do. A side hug, smile or laugh is always a good shot!
While I didn't have room in the post to show, the other important job (besides standing with the bride down the aisle) is to dance with her at the reception! There is nothing for fun than all the gals dressed in the same color surrounding the bride and having a great time!
Thank a Bridesmaid
Bridesmaids really do work hard on a wedding day. It's a long day. While fun, there is a lot going on the whole time and that can be exhausting! It is such an honor and a something the bride will remember for a long time after!
Cheers to the bridesmaid!!!
Other weddings with wonderful gals!
Historic Post Office Wedding, Vista Creek Wedding, Dominion Club Wedding